Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Idea

The Idea

I feel in love with the idea of you:
Loving me
Holding me
Wanting me
Understanding me
Appreciating me

I fell in love with the idea of me and you:
Having our own
Making trips to exotic places
Graduating together
Creating a family

I fell in love with the idea.....
Guess that's the problem
I fell in love with an idea
And not the true person
Fell in love with the person I knew
Not the one in the present

But the dreams you promised
I viewed as a blessing
Didn't understand the lies you came up with
Were ideas I had of a love from when I was a kid
You listened and never judged

So I thought you really cared
You chased me
So I thought the feelings I caught
Made it all fair
But as time moved on your actions not your words
Proved my assumptions completely wrong

Confused on how to feel
Should I be: hurt
Heart broken
Not give a fuck
Or should I just be glad

That I'm back to the old me
But she cold hearted
Not capable of love
Someone I was sick of being

But she the one who shed no tears
Showed no fears
Held it all in
And had no problems from it

Guess the idea of me
The idea of you
The idea of us
Was just an idea
Of how some parts of love should be
But I guess the idea of me
Wasn’t enough to keep you out the streets

So me and my ideas are going
And I regret to inform you
My ideas of us will remain just that
An idea

August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Then and Now

Then and Now

Back then,
I was afraid to fall in love
Something I have already did
Not just with the sex
But with the person I knew you were
The feeling you gave me when I needed a hug
Let me vent about things I didn’t realize I was holding in
You called me and did the same
Didn’t have the problems then

Right now,
I’m tired and the disappearing acts starting to get old
Games you playing making my heart so cold
The change you began still taking place
No one can seem to make their own space
My feelings still there regardless how hard I try
Notice your true colors and I’m tempted to sit back and cry
However tears can never dress the face of a thug
At least not this one you knew what was up

Cause back then,
I used to fuck round with your kin
And when that ended we were still cool like Chicago wind
Family secrets I never let out
Fell into your ears
Goals I gave up
Rethought about including you and your kids
Promised them a room
In my future crib

But right now,
I gotta focus on school
My promises to your lil ones Imma hold true
Because getting to the money is my current fetish
Hope you can stand seeing this monster you then unleashed
Joalane out the picture and Paulinah been released
So when you in need don’t come to me for help
Ask your line up
Since I see I’m no longer fitting the bill

Maybe later on,
You may get it together
Have your priorities right
Understand how a relationship should go
Cause the you I fell for back then
And the you I’m in love with now are completely different
I can’t lie regardless of the you later on
You will have my heart

Cause you saw me back then
When I was afraid to even start a right now
And didn’t think of a later
August 13, 2012